Tania Sarah Piñeiro


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I am a star-launcher igniting authentic artists, songwriters, worshipers and creators. By unleashing their song within and taking writer-blocks, emotional roller-coasters and life’s messiness out of the mix, they can create uniquely from their own journey. This allows artists to shape culture by changing how we experience music and entertainment. It offers the opportunity to live fulfilled lives with purpose and in balance through wholeness -- spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.  

My journey as a songwriter, worship leader, music director and piano professor for over 20 years has impacted how I’ve approached cultivating creativity and nurturing musicality. I have had the pleasure and privilege to enrich, equip and empower a variety of ages, skill levels, cultural backgrounds and diversity of talent. Now, I’m excited to be helping “fine-tune” artists and creators from drama  to dream life, from pain to passion and from lack of motivation to limitless inspiration so they can transform the world by leaving their unique mark and an impactful message.



Coaching: I support creatives by "fine-tuning" the heart through wholeness of the artist -- spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. The heart is foundational to character development for sustainable talent and impactful artistry. I help artists step onto life’s stage with purpose, passion and presence.


Connection: I offer spiritual advice to artists desiring a safe place to receive compassionate guidance in their spiritual growth, connection with God, discovery of their true self and journey to fulfilling their purpose.


Worship: I offer inspirational sessions of spontaneous vocal/instrumental songs to release stress, fear and anxiety by facilitating peaceful experiences to “soak” in the presence of God, worship and prayer. I offer music that ignites vision, ushers sweet sleep and unlocks hearts to dream.


Ministry: I offer supernatural partnering with God for inner healing of the heart, freedom from limiting beliefs and physical healing. By hearing God’s voice, I help activate joy, use dream interpretation and share prophetic words about identity and destiny.


Why I Do What I Do

My purpose is to inspire as light, life, love and laughter. What excites me most is to see people loved so much that they experience “heaven on earth.” To create such opportunities through the creative power of music is an honor. 

Most important to me is the heart, from where all of life flows. We should care for our hearts and other people’s hearts. With noble hearts in harmony, what we “gift” to the world will be a valuable treasure to enrich generations to come. 

My desire is to build up and contribute to a tribe of world-changers that lead a reformation and revolution through music and the arts, shifting the atmosphere and changing our world forevermore.

What kind of counseling do you practice, and do you use any alternative healing modalities?

As an Artistology Advocate, I like to focus on the wholeness of the artist -- spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically -- by coming alongside and championing people in their dreams. I am here to help artists break free from what holds them back.


Fun Fact

A few of my favorite things include: salsa dancing, tango, flamenco, afternoon tea, my Huskies, my Andalusian horse, laughter, adventure and nature.

As a self-proclaimed “foodie,” I enjoy sushi, tea, scones with whipped cream, really cheesy pizza, flan, steak, baklava and roast duck. It’s usually a toss-up between ice cream and gelato, and I highly recommend tasting kunefe!

Licensing & Certifications

  • Coach and Mentor
  • Certified Artistology Advocate


I have over 20 years experience as a music director, worship leader and piano professor, investing in the hearts of students.

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